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Top 7 Position Green alternatives of 2024 + user reviews

If you've outgrown Position Green, consider these alternatives more advanced ESG!
Chiara Meacci
October 8, 2024

The ESG compliance platform that uses AI to automate the collection and transformation of data into audit-ready metrics.

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Outgrown Position Green? Time to look for an alternative!

Replacing your ESG software can be a daunting prospect but if there’s one good thing to keep in mind is that there’s plenty of fish in the sea and whatever your frustrations are, there’s probably a tool out there that can solve them.  

Think AI, extensive automation, smooth integrations, user-friendliness, and all-in-one experiences – that’s what you can expect from the tools we’re bringing you here!

Why use an alternative to Position Green?

Position Green is an ESG-first platform, it gives you a ‘sustainability suite’ where you can collate all your ESG data, analyze it, and build an action plan based on the insights. It helps you automate compliance and amplify your ESG impact.  

So why do people choose to move away from it?

Frustrations with Position Green vary, and Capterra reviews stand to prove them, but if it should so happen that you can relate to some of these, it’s a definite sign that you need to investigate Position Green competitors.  

  • The tool is very manual. Ultimately, ESG software means to help you ditch those time-consuming manual processes, but with this tool that problem is still there. ‘The software does require a lot of manual data handling after exporting the data. I miss visualizations of relevant data that is included in other software,’ one user explains.
  • Reporting is not flexible enough. If you want a lot of customization within the tool you might bump into issues with the reporting functionality.  
  • Analytics and data migration need further development. Some users mention subpar features and say that ‘the analytics view and data migration feature could be smoother.’
  • Data integration is laborious. If you’re after accuracy and seamless data integration, with Position Green, you might need to put in some extra effort for that. ‘Additional troubleshooting and support may be necessary to ensure data integration and accuracy,’ mentions one user.
  • The UI is not very intuitive, making it challenging for data to flow smoothly. One user mentioned, ‘The layout could be improved, especially the charts and diagrams.’
  • Historic data is not secure. If you do year-on-year planning and want to compare progress to previous time periods, some data might already be lost. ‘Changing measures from one year to the next is difficult as you have the risk to lose historic data.’

What’s the best Position Green alternative?

Below you’ll find the best tools like Position Green to expand your ESG management options and solve frustrations.  

1. ESG Flo – The best Position Green alternative for all things ESG and carbon management

best Position Green alternative ESG Flo dashboard

ESG Flo is an AI-powered tool for all your ESG needs like reporting and carbon footprint management. It saves hours of manual work, ensures data accuracy, and removes the probability of reporting errors. It helps you automatically generate audit-ready metrics from any data you feed it.  

Here are some of the pain points this Position Green competitor will address for you:

  • Will help you stay up-to-date and compliant with all the new regulations that come out.
  • Will turn clunky ESG processes into a smooth flow with clear ownership and accountability for key stakeholders.
  • Will enhance performance transparency on the company, department, team, and even individual levels.
  • Will help you manage massive amounts of data and scale along with the business.
  • Will ensure you always remain audit-ready

ESG Flo’s key features include AI-driven data extraction, anomaly detection, and report creation, as well as carbon footprint management and overall corporate auditability. On top of that, the company also provides consulting support with things like double materiality assessment, gap assessment, life cycle assessment, and others.  

When it comes to the capabilities of the product itself, ESG Flo stands considerably higher than Position Green and unlocks a lot more automation with the help of AI.  

Here’s a quick comparison.

ESG Flo vs Position Green comparison table

For its users, ESG Flo is that silver bullet solution that solves all their ESG needs and provides a single source of truth. It secures visibility, transparency, accountability, and accuracy of your ESG management processes, which translates into both monetary and non-monetary ROI.  

‘This is a one-stop-shop for us. We don’t have to go to multiple data owners to get information. The tool does exactly what we need it to."’- Sonali Samani, Head of Environmental, Social and Governance at IWG.

2. Greenly – Good Position Green alternative for carbon accounting

Position Green alternative Greenly

Greenly is a sustainability platform that works well for startups and SMBs. It helps you comply with CSRD and submit your SBTi application.  

But what is most prominent about this tool is the progress you can achieve when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint. Here you can assess what carbon impact your business has and develop a strategy plan on how you’re going to reduce it.

‘Greenly has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to track their carbon footprint, purchase offsets, and learn more about the impact of their actions on the environment,’ said Vikas, a Data Analyst, on Capterra.

3. Plan A – Position Green alternative for carbon management

Position Green alternative Plan A

Plan A is a carbon manager, but it is also relevant for preparing your ESG reports. The platform helps you streamline carbon accounting, align with all the recent updates in CSRD, and potentially even achieve that net-zero emissions mark.

With this platform, you can pick a framework and use a customizable template to prepare your reports. They support frameworks like GRI, SASB, TCFD, and others.  

One of the tool’s segments is its CSRD software, which aims to help you uncover ESG risks and find opportunities for positive transformation within the business.  

4. Normative – Good Position Green alternative for carbon accounting

Position Green alternative Normative

Normative is a carbon accounting engine that helps you pinpoint emissions, plan reductions, and achieve net zero. It gives you responsive insights around your carbon impact and helps build actionable steps to reduce that negative impact and foster sustainable business growth.  

Unlike Position Green and ESG Flo, which offer broader ESG reporting solutions, Normative focuses primarily on carbon management. Its capabilities for ESG reporting may be less comprehensive. Given the current regulatory demands, you’ll likely need a strong ESG component, which may require supplementing Normative with an additional tool to fill that gap.

‘With Normative, we were able to make a shift from heavy annual Excel reporting to more frequent and easier reporting on a quarterly basis,’ says Yulia, an Environment and Climate Action Manager on Capterra.  

5. Workiva – The all-in-one Position Green alternative

Position Green alternative Workiva

Workiva is that ‘something for everyone’ platform that helps you with corporate and financial reporting, ESG reporting, and carbon accounting. And because it is such a large platform, it can give you a more unified experience on your ESG journey.  

With this approach, Workiva means to connect data, unify processes, and empower teams. The tool supports you in discovering different ESG frameworks, helps you build a sustainable strategy, collect data, and ensure audit-readiness.

‘Being able to have a single source of data that is shared across multiple business functions and overall enterprise is absolutely changing the way we view risk, financial reporting, and ESG reporting.’ - Heather, a Financial Services Director, shared on G2.  

💡Related: 5 best Workiva alternatives to try for all things ESG management  

6. Osapiens – Position Green alternative for ESG compliance

Position Green alternative Osapiens

Osapiens is an ESG platform that aims to help you comply with relevant regulations. It gives you insights into your processes so you can reduce risk, cut the hours spent on time-consuming manual work, and increase transparency and visibility around the company.

Built for impact, the platform helps you comply with things like CSDDD, EUDR, CCF, and CSRD. What’s more, this platform can also help you with more localized regulations like the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG).

‘Osapiens eases the implentation and facilitates the huge workload a company has with the supply chain duty of care act,’ shared a user on G2.

7. Persefoni - Position Green alternative for carbon measurement

Position Green alternative Persefoni

Persefoni is a climate management and carbon accounting platform aimed at helping you measure and reduce your carbon footprint. Just like other Position Green alternatives in this list, this tool can also help you ensure you remain ESG compliant.  

With its AI features, the software helps you quickly analyze your emissions for quality control. It also helps you flag anomalies in your emissions and trace issues back to the original source so you can take actionable steps to improve your ESG indicators.  

‘Persefoni helps in keeping our emission levels in check with mordernized and futuristic way,’ a user on G2 shared.  

Your next steps

The first thing to consider is why you are looking for a Position Green alternative to begin with and based on that, you need to make a list of your must-haves. For example, are you looking for a cheaper replacement, a more advanced product, or perhaps you just want to see what’s available on the market?

Getting clear on what it is that you’re after will make it easier to shortlist your favorites. Book your free demo with ESG Flo today to see if this software will be your best pick!

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