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ESG Software
for Auditors

Customized solutions for the unique needs of your industry

Trusted by

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Lazboybain & CompanyTOLA capitalContourRHO LogoEnersysSPSIWG logoPutzmeister

Your challenges

As the corporate world embraces sustainability, auditors are increasingly called upon to navigate the uncharted territories of ESG auditing.

Confronted with an ascent regulatory landscape and a scarcity of skilled professionals, auditors face a daunting task: conducting ESG audits without a playbook, in an environment where traditional audit methodologies fall short.

This new frontier demands not only expertise in sustainability but also an unparalleled level of precision and accountability in ESG data handling.

auditors challenges
Auditors solution

Our solution

In the face of these challenges, ESG Flo stands as a beacon, illuminating the path forward for auditors.

By providing direct, unfettered access to client data, ESG Flo transforms the audit process from a cumbersome exchange of information into a streamlined, efficient journey.

Every piece of data, from source documents to calculations, is meticulously documented, ensuring that auditors can conduct their reviews with confidence.

ESG Flo not only simplifies the audit process but also empowers auditors to engage with clients on a deeper level, identifying opportunities for meaningful improvements in ESG performance and reporting.

The ESG Reporting Software made for your needs

Streamlined audit
Direct data access for
Comprehensive data
Skilled sustainability
Regulatory compliance
Improvement area
Case study auditors
Case Study

Streamlining data processes and compliance

An auditing firm new to ESG auditing was tasked with auditing a large corporation. By prompting their client to leverage ESG Flo, the firm accessed a comprehensive database of the company's ESG data, facilitating a smoother audit process. This partnership not only streamlined the audit but also identified key areas for improvement, significantly enhancing the corporation's ESG performance and reporting credibility.

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