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Improvement of MSCI Rating

Improvement of MSCI Rating focuses on elevating a company's ESG performance to attract investment and enhance market position by aligning with global sustainability benchmarks.

MSCI rating

What is an MSCI Rating?

An MSCI Rating refers to an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) evaluation provided by MSCI ESG Research, one of the leading providers of ESG data, ratings, and analytics. These ratings range from 'leader' (AAA, AA), 'average' (A, BBB, BB), to 'laggard' (B, CCC) based on a company's exposure to industry-specific ESG risks and their ability to manage those risks relative to peers. The assessment covers a wide array of sustainability concerns, including climate change, human rights, governance issues, and more. MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company's resilience to long-term, financially relevant ESG risks.

Why is an MSCI Rating important?

An MSCI Rating is crucial for several reasons. It provides investors and other stakeholders with a clear, independent assessment of a company’s sustainability performance and risk management practices. These ratings are used to support investment decision-making, with a growing number of asset managers integrating MSCI ESG Ratings into their portfolio construction, risk management, and reporting processes. For companies, achieving a high MSCI ESG Rating can enhance their attractiveness to investors, improve market perception, and benchmark their progress against peers, driving improvement in ESG practices.

The process of obtaining an MSCI Rating

The process of obtaining an MSCI Rating involves:

Data Collection

MSCI gathers publicly available data, including company disclosures, NGO databases, and government databases.


MSCI analysts assess a company's ESG risk exposure and management capabilities in the context of its industry peers.

Rating Assignment

Based on this analysis, companies are assigned a rating that reflects their ESG risk management relative to peers.

Feedback and Updates

Companies can review their ratings and provide additional information to MSCI for consideration in future ratings.

Benefits of MSCI Rating for ESG

Receiving an MSCI ESG Rating can offer significant benefits, including:

Enhanced Investor Attraction

A strong ESG rating can attract investments from funds that prioritize sustainability, as it signals lower risk and strong management.

Benchmarking Performance

Companies can benchmark their ESG performance against peers, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

Improved Reputation

Achieving a high rating can enhance a company's reputation, showing commitment to sustainability practices to customers, investors, and employees.

Regulatory Compliance

Helping ensure compliance with emerging ESG reporting standards and regulations.

Why is it helpful to receive support in achieving an MSCI Rating?

Receiving support in achieving an MSCI Rating is beneficial because navigating the complexities of ESG criteria and reporting can be challenging, especially for companies new to ESG or those with limited resources. Support can come from consulting firms, ESG reporting software, or even internal teams dedicated to sustainability. Such support helps companies:

  • Understand the specific ESG criteria and metrics MSCI uses for rating.
  • Improve the quality and completeness of ESG disclosures and reporting.
  • Implement necessary changes or improvements in ESG practices to address identified risks and opportunities.
  • Engage effectively with MSCI and other stakeholders during the rating process.


An MSCI Rating is a valuable tool for assessing and communicating a company’s management of ESG risks and opportunities. It provides a standardized, globally recognized measure of sustainability performance, critical for investors, companies, and other stakeholders aiming to navigate the evolving ESG landscape. With the increasing focus on sustainability, receiving support to achieve a favorable MSCI ESG Rating can significantly impact a company’s ability to attract investment, manage risks, and seize opportunities in a sustainable future.

MSCI rating

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What is the MSCI ESG Rating?

The MSCI ESG rating is a tool used by investors to assess a company's resilience to long-term ESG risks.

Why is improving our MSCI rating important?

Improving you MSCI rating is important as it can attract more investors and enhance company reputation.

How can we improve our MSCI rating?

To improve your MSCI rating you can identify and address gaps in ESG practices and performance.

What factors are considered in an MSCI rating?

Factors considered in an MSCI rating include governance, social responsibility, environmental impact, and how these are managed.
