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The all-inclusive
ESG platform

We get it: new disclosure rules are here, but you're still managing your ESG data in an Excel sheet.

Five steps that
change it all

A simple five-step process will get you on track for regulatory compliance and offer insights to enhance your ESG performance.
Step 1

Select reporting frameworks

Select from global ESG frameworks including CSRD, SEC, GRI, SASB, TCFD, or specify your own for customized reports such as annual sustainability, investor relations, or customer reports.
Access guidance and best practices for each framework to ensure your reporting is comprehensive and compliant.
Step 2

Centralize data

Upload your documents easily, including PDFs, scans, and spreadsheets. Let AI read them.
Connect your existing systems, like ERP, for automatic data import.
Invite unlimited collaborators from different departments to input, enrich and refine data.
Step 3

Transform and validate

Let our platform standardize and clean your data, with AI promptly flagging anomalies for validation.
In case of gaps, ping data owners to provide missing details. Benefit from our estimation engine to complete any information gaps.
Calculate GHG emissions (carbon accounting) with confidence using trusted methods like mass-based calculations for Scope 3 emissions and smart factor matching from sources like Ecoinvent, EPA, and IEA.
Step 4

Get audited

Invite auditors
Receive assurance
Invite your auditors to conduct limited and reasonable assurances on the platform.
Offer complete transparency and traceability, ensuring a clear path from source document or system to reported metric.
Step 5

Visualize and report

Monitor progress
Your ESG metrics are ready for SEC and CSRD disclosures as well as any other mandatory or voluntary report you can think of!
Know where you are on your ESG journey by monitoring dynamic dashboards. Dive into performance at every level, from individual projects to sites and entire countries.

See the power of our platform in action

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Why ESG Flo?

Automation of manual tasks, spot-on accuracy,
and a easy path to compliance
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AI-powered data extraction from source, transformation, validation
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Full coverage of ESG data spectrum
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Industry-tailored disclosure templates for CSRD, SEC, California
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Support identifying data sources and streamlining collection
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Audit portal to receive limited or reasonable assurance
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Gamification & rewards for data submission
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AI-generated video reports for stakeholders
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Supplier data exchange system
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Our Solutions

We are constantly refining and expanding our offering.
This is just the beginning; more innovations ahead
Package 1


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Reporting frameworks
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Collaboration - messaging & task management
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Cross-framework data population
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Auditor portal for limited and reasonable assurance
Package 2

Data collection

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Automated data extraction from source & emissions calculations
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Anomaly flagging and estimation engine
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Integrations (230+ systems)
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Supplier portal
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Consulting Services

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Double materiality assessment
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Gap assessment
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Science-based target setting
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Life cycle assessment
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CDP submission support
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Improvement of MSCI rating
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ESG assurance readiness


$15 / User per month
The best starting point for businesses who want a new way of doing things.
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Free forever – no credit card required
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Best-in-class feature
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Layouts for every purpose
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Figma file included with all purchases
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So much more...
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$25 / User per month
This is for the serious power-users, you know who you are.
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Free forever – no credit card required
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Best-in-class feature
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Layouts for every purpose
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Figma file included with all purchases
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So much more...
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$35 / User per month
For those who demand pure, un-inhibited power at all times.
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Free forever – no credit card required
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Best-in-class feature
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Layouts for every purpose
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Figma file included with all purchases
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So much more...
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Become a design partner

We're always looking for pioneering companies to collaborate with in developing, enhancing, and scaling our product. Interested in joining us as a design partner? Get in touch!